#59 - The Last Dinner Party StandaloneSteve CookNovember 6, 2015superstition, fiction, short story, jacob trahan, dinner party, assassinationComment
#58 - Cog519 Poisonroot, StandaloneSteve CookOctober 30, 2015steampunk, fiction, horror, poisonroot, robotComment
#57 - The Dark Shard, Part 2 StandaloneSteve CookOctober 23, 2015steampunk, fiction, philadelphia experiment, sci-fi, science fiction, short storyComment
#56 - The Dark Shard, Part 1 StandaloneSteve CookOctober 16, 2015steampunk, shard, war, philadelphia experiment, stuff you should know, modern-day, london, fiction, science fictionComment
#51 - Nané Claws of the ChimeraSteve CookSeptember 11, 2015cat, fantasy, claws of the chimera, gitaComment