#52 - The Monkey On Your Shoulder

The Monkey On Your Shoulder
Steve Cook

“I sell nothing here. Instead, I loan time with my... pets. They are able to bring on positive change. You are familiar with the phrase ‘the monkey on my shoulder’, yes?” Blake shook his head. “It means a bad habit, illness, something negative that holds you back. My little ones can take away whatever it is, or help you overcome it.

A young man looks to mysticism and monkeys to solve his problems - but will it make any difference? A short story which originally featured in the 2015 Writing Times Anthology.

A year of Pocket Fiction! I'm incredibly happy to have completed 52 uploads for the podcast, and I'm looking forward to the next year. I'm hoping to work with many more authors, and generally improve what I've got. Thanks for tuning in throughout the last twelve months, and I look forward to seeing you in the future!

As always, I would love to collaborate with you! If you have short fiction that you would like me to include as a standalone episode of Pocket Fiction, drop me a line!

Each track is also available as a podcast through the iTunes store.

Thanks for listening! Ideas? Suggestions? Things you would like me to read? Please comment and subscribe!

Music: “The Pyre” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By attribution 3.0.