#63 - The Woman in the Red Dress, Part 2
I sensed movement by my feet, and tore my eyes from her. The carpet was pushing upwards, forming little clawed hands that groped and pawed at my trousers. One clamped down onto the very end of my trainer, a claw piercing the fabric and stabbing into my toe...
A contemporary standalone story in which a man and a dog explore the mysterious mansion in search of a homeless woman.
I really enjoyed writing this, and it's been a pleasure to dramatise and read out. One day in the future I would love to get people voice-act parts of it, paying them professional freelance fees. For now, it's a distant dream, but watch this space. If you're interested in collaborating, either through reading or having written some short fiction that you would like me to include as a standalone episode of Pocket Fiction, drop me a line!
Each track is also available as a podcast through the iTunes store; on Tumblr; and on YouTube.
Thanks for listening! Ideas? Suggestions? Things you would like me to read? Please comment and subscribe!
Music: “The Pyre", "Interloper" and "Movement Proposition", Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com).
Licensed under Creative Commons: By attribution 3.0.
Sound effects used in this podcast: Animal_Pug_Dog_Yelp by samueljustice00; Dog gnawing a bone by YOH; Knife Stab by Mixedupmoviestuff; evil_incantation by Incarnadine; Monster Screech by thegoose09; great wings in motion by Robinhood76; Huge bomb by jobro; Bonfire being lit by samararaine; Footsteps on wood by Mydo1; Wooden Stairs Creaky by laft2k; and Drag-Suitcase-Out-2 by toefur.