#100 - Noctis Point, Chapter 34
He opened his eyes, and the vibrations stopped. One by one the pieces of clutter fell from the air around him, and then there was silence. Even the sounds from outside had stopped.
“I can psych,” he said...
Alex has always struggled with his psych. But something is different. Something fundamental has changed for him, changed in the world around him. And it feels good...
A hundred episodes! When I started Pocket Fiction, I didn't think I'd be sitting here, nearly two years later (only four more episodes for two years!) and typing this. It's been an amazing opportunity to look back at my own work and evaluate what's good and what isn't.
Pocket Fiction has always been a way for me to review my stuff and use those insights to improve, and I'm fortunate to have the time and the wherewithal to be able to do that. I don't know how many people listen to the podcast (because Apple are stingy with the numbers) but to anyone that does, let me know!
If you have a few minutes to spare, it'd be great if you could leave a review at the iTunes store! Every review helps! You can leave a review by viewing the podcast in iTunes itself, and clicking on Ratings and Reviews.
Even though I'm serialising Noctis Point, Pocket Fiction is always looking for submissions! If you're an author, or you know an author, and you have a piece of fiction you would like to hear in the weekly podcast, drop me a line!
Each track is also available as a podcast through the iTunes store; on Tumblr; and on YouTube.
Thanks for listening! Ideas? Suggestions? Things you would like me to read? Please comment and subscribe!
Music: “The Descent”, "Thunderbird", "Black Vortex", "Killers", Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com).
Licensed under Creative Commons: By attribution 3.0.
Sounds used in this episode: Orbiting Planet (Gas Giant) by Prosser; Rocks Falling No Reverb Edition by ALLANZ10D; 01735 Falling Great Wall by RobinHood76; Cinema Boom Impact #1 by beman87; and Distantboom by Henrythetrain.